When Will Husband Be Able to Feel the Baby

When did your partner feel the babe motility?

(36 Posts)

woodwaj Sun xiv-Sep-14 21:twenty:33

I am nineteen weeks and i started feeling movement a week ago. Looking forward to him beingness able to experience infant too just wondering when your partners did?

LBNM19 Sun 14-Sep-fourteen 21:37:11

Around 26 weeks but I practice accept a depression lying placenta 20

MrsCK Sun xiv-Sep-xiv 21:39:36

FruitBadger Sun 14-Sep-14 21:xl:21

I first felt movement at 20+1, DH felt information technology almost 3 weeks afterward

NovemberRainbow Sun 14-Sep-14 21:40:50

Around 20 weeks, but I started to feel movements from 16 weeks.

ohjesus Sun xiv-Sep-14 21:41:57

Im 24 weeks, i offset felt the babe move at around eighteen-19 weeks. Dh felt him move about 3 or 4 weeks ago. So 20 or 21 weeks.

pippinleaf Sun 14-Sep-14 21:47:01

I felt the infant move from xvi weeks and my husband felt information technology two days ago just before 20 weeks.

silverfishlondon Sun 14-Sep-xiv 22:00:48

I felt movements at 19 weeks and hubby felt information technology a week later. I was surprised only as presently as he put his mitt at that place it did a massive kick strait away! Im now 22 and can regularly See the kicks (and I apparently take inductive placenta which is supposed to cushion movements).

squizita Sun 14-Sep-xiv 22:08:49

Couldn't encounter or feel anything externally until nigh 25-6 weeks (opposite to what you read on the web babycentre forums peculiarly this is pretty much the norm, naught to worry about/belatedly) then DH could feel it if he rubbed my tummy. In fact the baby sensed his hands as they're warmer than mine and his voice and he was quite useful if I was worried almost movement as he woke her upward!

squizita Sunday 14-Sep-fourteen 22:11:36

...and I take a high, posterior placenta. Honestly the web does give a slight idea that anybody tin can encounter/feel kicks quite early (and otherwise it must exist because of placenta) but in my case this fuelled completely needless anxiety. Feeling/seeing from the outside ofttimes doesn't happen until towards the third trimester.

woodwaj Sun 14-Sep-xiv 22:xi:37

My movements arent that oft and it seems like information technology stops whenever he puts his hand in that location!! Im hoping it volition be soon! It doesn't seem like its much of a look really for you lot all! I read today that movement is more noticeable when your partner puts his caput at that place rather than his mitt!

woodwaj Sun xiv-Sep-fourteen 22:xiv:09

I did read a lot that the partner might not feel it till tri 3 which i was surprised virtually!

MultipleMama Sun 14-Sep-14 22:32:42

Around 17 or 19 weeks I think. DH felt the baby move before me - I was sleeping! Only he did record it for me grin

squizita Dominicus fourteen-Sep-xiv 22:36:05

countthekicks.org.uk/mums/your-babys-movements/babys-movements-calendar week-past-calendar week/

This is a very respected timeline by the charity which advocated monitoring kicks. I always share information technology because the only thing that worries me with forums is people tend to postal service if they feel things early but not if boilerplate (I suppose that is natural) ... which can lead to a skewed idea of when things 'should' happen and worry for some.
Unfortunately I've too seen downright panic triggering nonsense like encouraging ringing a midwife for 'reduced motility' at xviii weeks (when many oasis't felt movement all the same!!) or someone swearing they felt their 2nd at 6 weeks (it doesn't accept limbs yet then).

As you tin can see they merely mention noticing from the exterior at 29 weeks+, so that would probably be when most people experience information technology by - many earlier just certainly not a trouble if information technology doesn't happen till and so.

MultipleMama Lord's day 14-Sep-14 22:48:25

JaffyCakey Mon fifteen-Sep-14 04:41:41

With my first infant i started feeling him at eighteen weeks and my partner felt him kicking at 24 weeks. With this baby i felt her at 16 weeks and dp felt her at 20 weeks smile

tomanyanimals Mon 15-Sep-14 07:46:34

Anybody else felt baby around 18weeks he couldn't feel information technology till I was 22 weeks as he use to be a chef and has asbestos easily equally he calls it which was sad as he got abit upset

woodwaj Mon 15-Sep-xiv 09:37:55

7 multiple? Do yous hate sleep?!

BilboTheAlmighty Mon xv-Sep-xiv 12:xxx:33

21 weeks but only in some areas! I'1000 23+3 at present.

MultipleMama Mon 15-Sep-14 xv:07:21

My kids have luckily been good sleepers and after the showtime 2, I learnt that I needed no more than four hours to role fully wink

woodwaj Monday xv-Sep-14 fifteen:24:05

Haha y'all are braver than me!!!

cheshirem2b Monday 15-Sep-xiv 15:33:17

it was around 21 weeks when baby gave me a practiced kicking when I was in the bath that I called DH up to see and he felt and saw babe move. I think the novelty has worn off for him now (24+4). My mum saw baby move last weekend besides through my clothes when we were out for dinner so I guess the kicks must exist getting stronger!
Everyone is unlike though so don't worry if he can't feel it withal.

HSMMaCM Mon 15-Sep-14 15:33:30

DH never felt dd move, simply did manage to get the chance to see the odd foot sticking out. She hardly moved at all and was a existent worry.

woodwaj Mon 15-Sep-fourteen 17:06:25

That does sound similar a worry. Was everything ok in the end?

TaliZorahVasNormandy Mon 15-Sep-fourteen nineteen:28:45

I felt motility about xviii-19 weeks, ExDP felt it but after 20 weeks.

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Source: https://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/pregnancy/2184769-When-did-your-partner-feel-the-baby-move

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